Friday, May 23, 2008

It's quiet, what are the boys doing?

The boys were playing outstide and seemed to be having a fun time sitting on the gravel pile. I decided to sneek out and take a picture of them and Grant revealed, Riley hid it for as long as possible, that they were having great fun with a permanent marker. I soon found out that big garage doors and trucks are a great canvas for young artists. I guess their sidewalk chalk just didn't cut it anymore.


Lindsay said...

Oh my goodness! Just know, I feel your pain.

Steve & Shauna said...

Did you find a way to take it off? I hope there wasn't much on the garage doors. Sometimes hairspray will get it off, if you don't leave it for too long. Good luck on that. I feel your pain too, it used to happen to me.

jana said...

We had a similar artist in our family and it does come off, but I am not to sure what my dad prefers, the great big target in marker or the huge area of scratched paint we left when we tried to remove it. Did you have any good graffitti? Payton left our little car with racer stripes and the outlines of his little hand all over. Boys, I don't know what you do with yours but mine keeps me on my toes.